Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fight Gone Worse

“Hope for Cures”

3 rounds:


Power Snatch (75/55)

Box Jump (24/20″)

Thruster (75/55)

Chest to Bar Pullups

Same format as Fight Gone Bad.  Five-minute rounds with one minute at each station.  One minute rest between each round.  Your score is your total number of reps.

I was a little pissed off about something before I got to the gym on Saturday. I figured I could use that as motivation to get through the sucky parts of this, because any FGB-style WOD is going to be tough.

Well, I’m not sure if the anger-as-fuel strategy worked. Holy crap, this was terrible. I was terrible.

I had a pretty good pace in the first round, but I was incapable of sustaining it. I went from a score of 90 in the first round, to 59 in the second and 50 in the third. Some drop-off is inevitable, but that’s pretty terrible.

It’s also possible that I wouldn’t have gotten much more than that in the second and third round anyway, so maybe scoring big in the first round was the right way to go.

Yeah… probably not.

Total score: 199

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