Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday restfulness: Pre-Valentine's Day Snatch

The Boy accompanied me to the gym... sort of. He fell asleep in the car and spent my entire workout snoozing on the futon in CFR's front entrance.

A. Snatch Deadlift + Snatch from just below knee 1x3 with 75-80%1RM
Then, 3 snatch attempts to a heavy single

Did the DL + Snatch with 125.

Then did 135 and 145. The 145 felt really good going up, so I thought I'd put 160 on the bar, since my listed PR is 155. I utterly failed on the first one.

I tried a couple more times. It went up, with a fairly significant press-out on the first. Then it went up a bit better on the second. A bit of a press-out but Nolan still counted it, so I will too.

Still, there's a bit of an asterisk there. I think I'll make sure that I can confidently and consistently snatch 160 before looking to add to that number. I just need to remember to drop a bit lower.

B. 3 rounds with 10 minute limit of 50 Double-Unders and Max Pull-Ups

The deal here was that it wasn't for time, just for max pull-ups. As long as you could get all three rounds in under the 10:00. It allowed for a bit of rest between the DUs and each set of max pull-ups.

First set: 22
Second set: 16
Third set: 12
Total: 51

C. 1 set Max Push-Ups

29. Ugh, that is not good.

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