Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Isabel" and Sled Drags

A. "Isabel" 30 power snatches with 135lbs

It was my first time doing it as rx'd. I had done it using 115lbs in 5 minutes plus change, and I vowed that the next time I did it, I would do it rx'd, even if it took me a lot more time. I figured 10:00 was a reasonable time to shoot for. It's only three reps per minute.

I will admit I had some doubts when I first tried the 135lbs. "Fuck, this is harder than I remembered."

I struggled with technique for a good part of this WOD, mostly pressing out my snatches from forehead level rather than doing it right. I missed on a few attempts as early as rep #6 but I kept plugging away. It wasn't until rep #24 that I realized I should have been dropping under the bar more the WHOLE TIME. (Note to self: Tyler, when you are reviewing this post the next time you go to do Isabel, remember to drop under the fucking bar so you won't have to press out on every rep.)

8:16 as rx'd.

B. Three minutes of 180lb sled drags for distance.

Sled drags are no one's idea of fun.


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